
My small trip to India

Since I started traveling by myself, it is turned out to be addicting hobby. Each country brings you broader point of view, you become more flexible person as well as appreciate your motherland after all traveling…

I was planning to go India as it is the nearest destination. I was advised to go to the north part of India to get quite different experience and explore something different than Sri Lanka . So it was good enough, because one friend of mine (Eliza) was on the internship in Jaipur, so I decided to use the opportunity and make golden triangle (Delhi, Jaipur and Agra- Taj Mahal is a must in India). India is a huge country and one week is definitely not enough to gather all information about the country.

But this post will not be about my adventures and trips and what I have seen. This you can see by browsing my pictures. I would like to make analysis or literally comparison of two Asian countries.


§ Climate: India has to three seasons wet (monsoon), hot and cold (December, January). Sri Lanka has only two: wet and hot, even though it is wet, it is still hot. I was not prepared for cold season, so imagine me in Delhi airport in slippers and summer trousers among people in winter jackets, hats and gloves. I already forgot what does it mean - cold!

§ Transport: Sri Lanka has tuc tuc (three wheeler), local buses and AC buses (small buses with cooler air than outside), trains with fans inside. India has more variety of transport: autorickshaws (much bigger than in Sri Lanka, capacity of 8 ppl), open rickshaws or bicycle rickshaws – human-powered transport (popular in China and all over the Asia), buses – there are a big choice between lower and upper class buses. Local buses (the cheapest for poor people), AC/Delux buses – for mid class people, sleepers ( for long distances) – bus with sleeping places on the top, volvo bus – the best and the most expensive version of the coach. Trains have several classes (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and you can choose between normal and express version of the train. Plane – India is a huge country, so domestic flights are also quite popular, especially among wealthy Indians.

§ Environment – there is a lot of warnings about global warming and pollution level in Indian cities. I’ve experienced the thick air in Delhi and Jaipur, you can hardly breath in these cities. I had an impression that both of these cities were covered by mist of pollution. I have no idea how my lungs look like right now, but I feel like I was smoking over one month. Ocean is a Sri Lanka’s salvation. Thanks to it or exactly thanks to the breeze from the sea, there no “dead” air in the city. However, most of the vehicles in Sri Lanka as well as in India are not environmentally friendly. In my opinion India is much dirty than SL, maybe because the island is a popular tourist destination and government would like to keep the impression of clean country. Most of the streets are covered with cows’, pigs’, camels’, elephants’, human “detritus”.

Most of the Indians are living with flow of the nature, so nobody cares when and where do their “business”. In Sri Lanka I have not noticed so massive peeing on the street as it is in India.

§ Food: India is a paradise for vegetarians, everything based on nans, paranthas etc (flat bread) and big variety of sauces. I was told that food is much chillier than in Sri Lanka. It is not true, because I find that Sri Lanka food contains much more spices and is based on rice and meat rather than bread and vegetables. Probably the food was not hot for me because after 5 months my tongue is kind of “inured” to spicy food.

§ Religion: I cannot analyze religion, because this topic requires a lot of months of observation, analyses and interaction with local people however during one week I could highlight some differences. North of India: typical Hindi religion, a lot of small temples and places of worship of thousands of gods! Inside the temple there are several small ones, for separate gods. In front of the entrance prayers are putting some rice mixed with sugar (optional bananas and nuts). As a sing of religious person, most Indian people are wearing woolen strings, which are placed around their wrists. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country, here in every corner of the street you can see big Buddha who is in vertical or horizontal position, gold or white one, big or small one…

§ Leaders: Gandhi, as one of the main leaders in India, had changed a lot of Indians’ minds as well as became the biggest authority for them most of the society. In every town and city there is Gandhi Street, Gandhi memorial museum is the main attraction in Delhi…It reminds me Lenin in post Soviet Countries or Mao in China… They were all leaders, fanatics with a lot of followers as well as opponents.


It is so common for all Asians countries, that people are much more open, they talk to, you smile to you, greet you on the street as well as they are trying to rip you off, cheat you. Before coming to India, Sri Lanka gave me a good lesson of Asian culture, so I was prepared to be concentrated and focused, and take “do-not-trust-anybody” attitude. I prepared how to be public person and I prepared for this celebrity feeling which followed me even though I cross the boarders of another country.

As in Sri Lanka and in India there is a lot of “suicidal drivers”, which are driving with one finger on the horn. In both countries you can meet all families on motorbikes and it seems that only person who needs cask is a driver (who cares about 2-years old child!).

All in all, the more I travel, the more amazement of such different cultures and unexplored lands I experience. I think we should get out of our “comfort boxes/zones” and experience as much as we can right now. Thailand next time?

p.s I would like to thank you all people who make my India trip unforgettable experience:)

thank you to Johny -good friend from Nigeria- he spent couple of hours waiting for me in airport and then host me several days in trainee house (thanks to Olivia and Mikio - residents of Kalkaji house)

to Eliza - you made me feel in Jaipur like at home, thank you for tasty food, thank you for tips and hints how to bargain with Indian people, thank you for hospitality and Brazilian atmosphere in your house:)



Kolejne miesiace mija jak dni, wydaloby sie tak niedawno przyjechalam na Sri Lanke a juz wkrotce minie pol roku jak jestem na tej wyspie. Wrazenie jakie wywiera na mnie to miejsce jest wciaz nie do opisania… Zaadaptowalam sie… Byl to moment kiedy do naszego domu zawitalo 4 Brytyjczykow, ktorzy przyjechali tutaj na trzy miesieczna praktyke. Oni mnie pytali, gdzie najlepiej robic zakupy? jaka siec telefoniczna wybrac? czy bezpiecznie jest podrozowac tuk tukiem? Co znaczy Hari etc? Teraz przyszla moja kolej doradzac co jest tutaj najlepsze, a czego nalezy unikac.

Za tydzien wybieram sie na lad czyli do Indii. Bedzie to krotka wycieczka (niestety moj urlop nie pozwala mi na wiecej), ale chcialabym zobaczyc tak zwany zloty trojkat czyli Delhi, Jaipur i Agre. Sam lot na polnoc Indii zajmuje 2 godziny, dzieki wizie rezydencyjnej moglam skorzystac z promocji lankijskich linii lotniczych i wyjechac za niecale 200 dolarow tam i z powrotem. Bedac w tej czesci swiata, chcialabym tak wiele zobaczyc, sama Sri Lanka jest dla mnie nie odkryta jeszcze, ale Tajland, Malezja, Indonezja czy Nepal, rowniez kusza jako kraje tym bardziej, ze bardzo wiele osob o nich opowiada. W takich wlasnie momentach chcialoby sie byc milionerem lub zlapac zlota rybke…

Podrozujac do Indii chcialabym nie tylko zobaczyc Taj Mahal, ale przede wszystkim dostrzec roznice i podobienstwa pomiedzy Sri Lanka a Indiami, gdyz na tej wyspie wplyw Indii jest bardzo wielki zwlaszcza na polnocy kraju. Jednak jak twierdzi moj przyjaciel z Indii “roznica jest ogromna…” Przekonam sie o tym “ogromie” juz wkrotce. Ciesze sie, ze odwiedze Elizke moja niedawna wspollokatorke. Poniekad doswiadczamy tego samego, bo Azja ma wiele twarzy, ale tez wiele wspolnego.


Nareszcie moj maly projekt dobiegl konca… Dwa miesiace przygotowan, stworzenie portfolio nowego produktu i wielki wieczor promocyjny. Nasza firma zakupila nowa licencje na teambuildingowe produkty, ktore moga sie odbywac dla grup od 10 do 1500 osob. Firma Catalyst sprzedaje swoje produkty na calym swiecie, zaklada tak zwane firmy corki, tym razem ekspansje zrobila na Sri Lanke, wiec wedlug zalozenia naszym terytorium dzialania sa Malediwy i sama Sri Lanka. Wprowadzenie na rynek nowego produktu nie jest latwym zadaniem, gdyz podobnych firm jest bardzo wiele. Kazdy ma cos szczegolnego, oczywiscie wszedzie trzeba zaznaczac co my mamy lepszego do zaoferowania od innych. Konkurencja nie spi. I my tez staramy sie nie spoczywac, tylko sie rozwijac…

Moje najwieksze obawy byly zwiazane z frekwencja, gdyz wsrod zaproszonych byly nie tylko dyrektorzy HR, ale takze CEO i dyrektorzy regionalni. Sama kampania promocyjna odbywala sie w trzech etapach, tak aby przez miesiac trzymac osoby w niecierpliwosci, wzbudzajac tym samym zainteresowanie nadchodzacym wydarzeniem.


Ten weekend spedzilam w dzungli albo bardziej poprawnie w lesie tropikalnym. Tutaj chyba wilgotnosc siega zenitu, bo w lesie czujesz sie jak w saunie. Oczywiscie pijawki i inne rozne stworzenie, typu wielkich czarnych gasienic, kamelonow, pajkow dodaja kolorytu calej przechadzce. Las tropikalny Sinharaja jest zywym przykladem biologicznym, gdyz mozna tutaj znalezc najstarsze rosliny z gatunku paprociowatych po najwyzsze i najstarsze drzewa.
Caly nasz spacer zmierzal od jednego do kolejnego wodospadu, w sumie bylo ich osiem.

O samym podrozowaniu

Podrozowanie na Sri Lance jest niezwykle uciazliwe, aby pokonac odleglosc 70 km odleglosc zajmuje to okolo 2 godzin jazdy samochodem i 3 godziny autobusem. DO wyboru kazdego turysty sa dwa rodzaje autobusow jedne z klimatyzacja , a inne bez (czyli jest naturalna klimatyzja w postaci otwartych okien). Wszystkie autobusy sa wypasozone w bardzo wielkie glosniki i bardzo male siedzenia (jak dla Europejczyka) Wiec mozna sie “delektowac” glosna lankijska muzyka, bedac scisnietym na waskim siedzeniu. Widoki za oknem rekompensuja jednak wszelkie niewygody podrozowania. Sama podroz do najpiekniejszych plaz kosztuje okolo 250 LKR (= 6zl), oczywiscie cena rozni sie od odleglosci i pokonywanych kilometrow.

Niezwykle jest rowniez to, ze podczas jazdy mozna napotkac kilkanascie wojskowych kontroli, wtedy caly autobus musi wyjsc na tak zwany check point. Sami turysci nie sa zobowiazani przestrzegac zasad check pointu, wystarczy powiedziec kraj pochodzenia i najczesciej taka informacja zaspokaj zolnierza. zastanawiam sie czasami czy oni umieja czytac i pisac? O jezyku angieskim juz nie wspomne.