

I am scared, I am so scared… Yes, I cannot be a tough girl any more, who can deal with any challenging situation. It has been three bomb blasts during this week…Two of them near my housemate work, the other was today when I was in the cinema…

Yes Sri Lanka is surprisingly unpredictable and this uncertain future (every time I am getting on the bus or passing the street) is freaking me out sometimes. The question is always the same: why? Why innocent people are dying? Why are they fighting so long time because of nothing (maybe it is just nothing for me)? Why is all this happening around me? Why is this world so cruel and unfair? Why are people so angry with each other? Why, why, why…

I fell in love with Sri Lanka and accepted all its advantages and disadvantages. I even started to understand the way of life with all these principles and rules as well as mentality of Sri Lankans, but I still do not understand why people should suffer because of poverty, hunger and civil war? It is bothering me a lot…What can I do? How can I help?

The world is not perfect and even though people are trying to improve it, there will be still remains of “dust”.

p.s a. I have not put this post, because I need mercy… I just want you to stop in this race for a while and think about someone who might need your help and support right now…

b. Kamil was right in his last post, we should start talking about our bad feelings abroad.


KAMIL said...

all the bad feelings are just a stage (I believe)
we have them wherever we are (in our home country or abroad)
i really think they will pass away

anyway, talking about this certainly helps
good luck for you
i'm sure it's gonna be better very soon

Artiom Komardin said...

pamiętaj że jesteśmy z Tobą
Twój brat

Pruszi said...

Swietka, trzymaj sie mocno!
masz ode mnie duuuzego buziaka!

Gosiaczek said...

przytulam i trzymam kciuki zeby ten zly okres sie skonczyl :*